Build a connection with Allah SWT by elevating your Salah.

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Sunday 28th April - 7pm BST

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  • EBOOK: Dozens of gems to help you elevate your salah (prayer) - FREE!
  • WEBINAR: A taster session from Arabic Gems - learning Arabic through the Qur'an - FREE! 
  • ​REMINDERS: Exclusive reminders to help you build a connection with Allah's book - FREE!
"Elevated Prayer"
By Ustadha Ola Shoubaki
This free book has been made available for those who love to elevate their salah by understanding the beautiful Arabic words uttered in communication with Allah SWT, with the ultimate goal of developing a relationship with, and becoming closer to Him. 

It has been created by Arabic Gems Institute who specialise in teaching English speaking people how to understand Arabic, through the Qur’an. 
Enter your details to receive a FREE copy of the ebook.

BONUS - By opting in, you will also get FREE access to our ARABIC TASTER CLASS which will take place on Sunday 28th April at 7pm BST (UK time) 
الله أكبر 

"Allah is Greater..."
We start our salah with the opening "Takbeer" - the saying of "Allahu Akbar". The word "Akbar" comes from the root ك ب ر  which alludes to being or becoming big or great, whether physically, in
age, or in rank. 

It is normally translated into ‘Allah is the Greatest’, but that would be الله الأكبرُ "Allahu al-Akbar". As it is, without the definite article الـ al- preceding it, الله أكبرُ "Allahu Akbar" means ‘Allah is Greater.’ Greater than what? It has been left open-ended intentionally, for us to fill in. 

The repetition of these words throughout our prayer serve as a reminder that the Creator whom we stand before is greater in everything, and greater than everything. Allah is greater than the meeting I have to get back to, Allah is greater than the food I have to cook, Allah is greater than the programme I was watching, Allah is greater than the mental to-do list I’m checking off right now….Allah is greater than whatever preoccupies me and distracts me from my prayer at the moment of uttering these words.

So let this be our focus and our intention when we start our prayer by saying الله أكبرُ "Allahu Akbar", “Allah is greater…” and let us use it to refocus our mind with every instance it is repeated.

This is just one of THIRTY gems you will find in our "Elevated Prayer" ebook which is available for you to download for FREE. We pray you benefit immensely from this and it allows you to become closer to Allah s.w.t. every single day of your life! 

Enter your details to receive a FREE copy of the ebook.

BONUS - By opting in, you will also get FREE access to our ARABIC TASTER CLASS which will take place on Sunday 28th April at 7pm BST (UK time) 
The Importance of Salah
Allah (s.w.t.) says in the Qur'an: 

"Indeed, I am Allāh. There is no deity except Me, so worship Me and establish prayer for My remembrance." 

[Surah Taha: 14]
Praying five times a day is a rewarding obligation encouraged upon us as Muslims. It drives us closer to Allah SWT, improves our character, purifies our souls of sins, and inspires us to become better Muslims every day. 

Here are some of the spiritual benefits associated with this beautiful act of worship...

Lastly, when we’re constantly connected to Allah throughout the day, it makes it easier on us to be mindful of our acts and lead a Halal life.
  •  Salah gives us calmness and contentment.
    Offering the five daily prayers engages us in a constant state of remembrance of Allah SWT. This spiritual connection relieves our mind and body from the worldly stressors of life.

  •  ​Generates a feeling of humility
    Similarly, remembrance of Allah gives way to many other positive character traits that are dear to our Lord, including humility, modesty, and piety.

  • Brings us closer to the Almighty
    Salah gives us the unmeasurable joy of being in Allah's presence and connecting to Him on a spiritual level.

  • Gives us hope in Allah's mercy and protection
    Praying five times a day also reminds us that we can always turn to Allah SWT in times of hardship and that He would always listen to our sincere and heartfelt Duas.

  • Helps us stay away from sins throughout the day
    Lastly, when we’re constantly connected to Allah throughout the day, it makes it easier on us to be mindful of our acts and lead a Halal life.
Build your connection with Allah SWT today by understanding the Arabic words you utter in your salah 5x a day! Our latest ebook will be a game changer for you for the rest of your life. 
Enter your details to receive a FREE copy of the ebook.

BONUS - By opting in, you will also get FREE access to our ARABIC TASTER CLASS which will take place on Sunday 28th April at 7pm BST (UK time) 
Opt in today and you will soon have FREE access to: 
  • EBOOK: Dozens of gems to help you elevate your salah (prayer) - FREE!
  • ​WEBINAR: A taster session from Arabic Gems - learning Arabic through the Qur'an - FREE! 
  • ​​REMINDERS: Exclusive reminders to help you build a connection with Allah's book - FREE!
Enter your details to receive a FREE copy of the ebook.

BONUS - By opting in, you will also get FREE access to our ARABIC TASTER CLASS which will take place on Sunday 28th April at 7pm BST (UK time) 
Arabic Gems Institute
Lead Instructor
Ustadha Ola Shoubaki
founded Arabic Gems Institute in 2007 and has taught a multitude of students ever since. 

After achieving a Masters in Arabic Linguistics from the International Islamic University of Malaysia where she lived for two years, Ustadha Ola developed her appreciation of the intricacies of the language which helped her witness the miracle of the Qur’an for herself, which she is now passing on to others.
"Read in the name of your Lord"
DOWNLOAD "Elevated Prayer" Today.
You will soon have FREE access to: 
  • EBOOK: Dozens of gems to help you elevate your salah (prayer) - FREE!
  • ​WEBINAR: A taster session from Arabic Gems - learning Arabic through the Qur'an - FREE! 
  • ​​REMINDERS: Exclusive reminders to help you build a connection with Allah's book - FREE!
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